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The Mills of the Gods: Viet Nam (1965)
Documentary . 00 h 56 m


A documentary on the war in South Vietnam shot entirely on location. There is no narration and no use of archive footage. The participants speak for themselves. The filmmakers spend time with units from many services: army, tanks, marines, ARVN, air cavalry. They accompany an air force napalm and strafing attack on a Viet Cong bunker complex. There are many scenes both of Saigon streets and of peasant village life. Soldiers speak of their experiences and their mission to fight Communism in Vietnam. One American informant says that the Vietnamese peasant is not interested in ideology, but in social justice, a piece of land, fair taxation, and to be left alone. Some interviews are used as voice-over. Participants, American and Vietnamese, are very natural, with little or no posturing for the camera. There are scenes of dead Viet Cong, and one showing a VC suspect being drowned to aid interrogation.

Release Date

05 December 1965


Produced By


Directed by :
Beryl Fox

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"The Mills of the Gods: Viet Nam - " is english Language Movie.

"The Mills of the Gods: Viet Nam" was released on 05 December 1965 .

The movie was directed by Beryl Fox

It has cast of: in lead roles.

Series Cast

It Crew included: Erik Durschmied as Director of Photography(Camera), Douglas Leiterman as Producer(Production), Beryl Fox as Producer(Production), Don Haig as Editor(Editing), Beryl Fox as Director(Directing), in lead roles.

Series Crew
Snap Shot
Status: Released
Released on:
05 December 1965

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