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"Starring Austin Pendleton - The most successful actor you've never heard of." is english Language Movie.
"Starring Austin Pendleton" was released on 01 April 2016 .
The movie was directed by Gene Gallerano
It has cast of: Austin Pendleton as Self, Emily Althaus as Self, Kevin Anderson as Self, Lyndsey Anderson as Self, Kate Arrington as Self, Bob Balaban as Self, Ian Barford as Self, Robert Breuler as Self, Nick Brooks as Self, Laurence Cantor as Self, Michael Cerveris as Self, Daniela Dakich as Self, Jen Danby as Self, Erica Daniels as Self, Olympia Dukakis as Self, Charles Evered as Self, Nancy Fox as Self, Brad Fryman as Self, Amadeo Fusca as Self, Donna Gabel as Self, Gene Gallerano as Self, J. Knox Griffin as Self, Maggie Gyllenhaal as Self, Virginia Hammer as Self, Ethan Hawke as Self, Philip Seymour Hoffman as Self, David H. Holmes as Self, Holly Horner as Self, William Laney as Self, Paul Lazar as Self, Johanna Leister as Self, Stacey Lightman as Self, Jaime Lubin as Self, Polly McKie as Self, Laurie Metcalf as Self, Ben Jorgensen as Self, George Morfogen as Self, David Nieves as Self, Denis O'Hare as Self, Dara Obrien as Self, Christian Pedersen as Self, Chrisie Penna as Self, Allison Plamondon as Self, Jody Prusan as Self, Rao Ramphilla as Self, Lisa Raymond as Self, Judy Rosenblatt as Self, Megan Ruskey as Self, Peter Sarsgaard as Self, Norah Scheinman as Self, Barry Schneider as Self, JoAnne Sellers as Self, Wallace Shawn as Self, Jonathan Marc Sherman as Self, William Shuman as Self, Susan Stein as Self, Meryl Streep as Self, Ryan Tramont as Self, Stewart Walker as Self, Louisa Ward as Self, Zach Wegner as Self, Debra Whitfield as Self, Louis Zorich as Self in lead roles.
It Crew included: David H. Holmes as Director(Directing), Jeff Marcello as Editor(Editing), Joe Gallerano as Boom Operator(Sound), Philip Rinaldi as Thanks(Crew), Christina Bennett Lind as Thanks(Crew), C.G. Foisy as Music(Sound), David H. Holmes as Cinematography(Crew), Stephanie Crane as Editor(Editing), Jesse Garrison as Camera Operator(Camera), Peter Bonelli as Production Assistant(Production), Pete Anderson as Producer(Production), Christina Bennett Lind as Sound(Sound), Satomi Blair as Producer(Production), Christina Bennett Lind as Production Assistant(Production), Anthony Arkin as Thanks(Crew), David H. Holmes as Producer(Production), Derrick Holman as Intern(Crew), Gene Gallerano as Cinematography(Crew), Eric Goebel as Cinematography(Crew), Nicole Khitrik as Makeup Artist(Costume & Make-Up), Cory Choy as Sound Mixer(Sound), Emily Rosario as Assistant Editor(Editing), Emily Rosario as Intern(Crew), Kiara Walker as Clearances Consultant(Crew), Daniel Applegate as Thanks(Crew), Molly Kay as Editorial Staff(Crew), Jason Dubin as Thanks(Crew), Christina Bennett Lind as Co-Producer(Production), Estelle Bajou as Music(Sound), Jesse Garrison as Cinematography(Crew), Robin Shore as Supervising Sound Editor(Sound), Satomi Blair as Executive Producer(Production), Nick Freundlich as Production Assistant(Production), Gene Gallerano as Director(Directing), Gene Gallerano as Producer(Production), Christopher James Richter as Cinematography(Crew), Joanne Starer as Editorial Staff(Crew), Brian Kil as Intern(Crew), Caitlin Van Mol as Production Assistant(Production), David Rosenberg as Thanks(Crew), Christine Calabro as Graphic Designer(Art), Eric P. Laverty as Thanks(Crew), in lead roles.