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Potapov, to the Board! (2007)
Adventure, Family . 01 h 37 m


A story about a school friends, their adventures, fantasies and first love...

Release Date

07 June 2007



Produced By


Directed by :
Aleksandr Orlov

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"Potapov, to the Board! - " is russian Language Movie.

"Potapov, to the Board!" was released on 07 June 2007 .

The movie was directed by Aleksandr Orlov

It has cast of: Aleksandr Oleynikov as Zhenya Moskvichyov, Mariya Fomina as Lena Sinitsyna, Liya Akhedzhakova as Biology Teacher, Alla Budnitskaya as Math Teacher, Darya Drozdovskaya as Geography Teacher, Maksim Konovalov as in lead roles.

Series Cast

It Crew included: Tamara Kryukova as Writer(Writing), Aleksandr Orlov as Director(Directing), Aleksandr Orlov as Writer(Writing), in lead roles.

Series Crew
Snap Shot
Status: Released
Released on:
07 June 2007

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